Monday, 28 April 2014


What can I say! After months of looking forward to stepping foot on this tiny but famous island, it was not to be. As the sea at Bounty Bay and the landing site was too treacherous today for our tenders to go ashore...almost all of the islanders came to us.

50 souls live on the island and call it home. Most are descendants of the mutineers and their Tahitian wives. Surviving on income from postage stamps, passing ships, selling handicrafts and supplemented by the UK government, the islanders enjoy an idyllic life. An outfitting ship brings supplies 4 times each year. They have a doctor, nurse, store, one policeman, a jail that has never been used and a prison meeting the same fate.

The leeward side of the island {{{{{

37 (if I count right) of the islanders on the longboat...

Selling souvenirs in the Marina Lounge ...

Some of the islanders ...

After furiously buying souvenirs such as wooden bowls, postcards, stamps and T-shirts it was on to the walking deck, near the pool for 64 laps of excercise (well hmm maybe 7 or 8) then a coffee.

After coffee it was down to the Marina Show Lounge for an Enrichment Lecture with Pitcarin Islander Ms Jacqui Christian, a 7th generation descendent of mutineer Fletcher Christian.

After the lecture it was lunch ... It's a hard life aboard this ship! 

Jim enjoying a lovely milkshake...

After lunch we convened in Deb and Gayle' stateroom on the starboard side to view the island after the Captain announced he would do a circumnavigation. 

Pitcairn Island ...

After the excitement of the day it was supper in the Grand Dining Room, a Beach Boys tribute show in the show lounge and then trivia in the piano bar.

And goodbye Pitcairn...

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